Nippon India Mutual Fundimage

Nippon India Multi Asset Allocation Fund

HybridMulti Asset AllocationIDCW-ReinvestmentIDCWGrowth

Fund Overview

NAV (14 Feb 25)

₹ 19.58

AUM (in Cr)

₹ 5001.93

3 Years CAGR

% 14.84

Risk Level 

Very High

Fund Performance

1 Month%
3 Month%
6 Month%
1 Year%
3 Year%
5 Year%
Nippon India Multi Asset Allocation Fund
Multi Asset Allocation

Note:  Benchmark Performance is not available due to periodic changes in underlying Benchmark composition. Performance related to other similar category of funds are displayed here. Information available here is on the basis of internal data, publicly available information and other sources believed to be reliable, produced for information purpose only and should not be construed as investment advice to any party.

Scheme Information

Investment Objective

The primary investment objective of Nippon India Multi Asset Allocation Fund is to seek long term capital growth by investing in equity and equity related securities, debt & money market instruments and Exchange Traded Commodity Derivatives and Gold ETF, Silver ETF as permitted by SEBI from time to time. However, there can be no assurance or guarantee that the investment objective of the Scheme will be achieved.

Expense Ratio
% 1.49
50% of BSE 500 TRI, 20% of MSCI World Index TRI, 15% of Crisil Short Term Bond Index & 15% of Domestic prices of Gold
₹ 5001.93
Inception Date
07 Aug 2020
Turnover Ratio
% 80.00
Exit Load
10% of the units allotted shall be redeemed without any exit load, on or before completion of 12 months from the date of allotment of units. Any redemption in excess of such limit in the first 12 months from the date of allotment shall be subject to the following exit load. Redemption of units would be done on First in First out Basis (FIFO): 1% if redeemed or switched out on or before completion of 12 months from the date of allotment of units. Nil, if redeemed or switched out after completion of 12 months from the date of allotment of units.
Asset Class

Total AUM

₹ 573673.69

No. of Schemes under this AMC





Incorporation Date



4th Floor, Tower A,, Peninsula Business Park,, Ganapatrao Kadam Marg,

Mumbai - 400013

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